================================================================= Welcome to FM History For Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 3.1, 3.11 and Windows for Workgroups(tm) 3.11 Version 1.0 Last updated: December 26, 1996 Copyright (c) 1996, Stephen Yost All rights reserved. ================================================================= This file contains instructions for setting up File Manager History to run with the Microsoft Windows File Manager. IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you use this software, read the License Agreement, which may be found in the LICENSE.TXT file, supplied with the package. By using FM History you agree to be bound by the terms of the license. SHAREWARE: This program is shareware. If you use it for more than 21 days, register your copy by sending $5.00 U.S. to: Stephen Yost 68 School St. Lexington, MA 02173 U.S.A. along with your name business name (optional) email address (optional) address You'll receive any upgrade notices by including your email address. I can be reached at: say@world.std.com TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. Introduction 2. Installing FM History 3. Configuring FM History ================================================================= 1. INTRODUCTION ================================================================= File Manager History (FM History) is a utility that makes using the MS Windows File Manager easier by letting you jump to any recently visited directory, much like the "Go" menu on your web browser lets you jump to recently visited web sites. When you install FM History, a new "Go" menu appears on File Manager's menu bar. FM History makes note of each directory you visit for more than a few seconds, adding it to the Go menu. You can use this Go menu item to jump back instantly to that directory in your currently active File Manager window. No more hunting among directory trees for that folder you just closed! Recently visited directories are added to the top of the "Go" menu list. Picking a directory from the menu list moves it to the top of the list. The maximum length of the "Go" menu list is 15; after that, the least recently used directory name is dropped from the menu list. The list is remembered between File Manager sessions. FM History currently doesn't work with the Windows95 File Manager or Explorer. ================================================================= 2. INSTALLING File Manager History ================================================================= To use the FM History program, all you need do is properly install it; every time you run File Manager, FM History will run automatically. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. If you obtained the FM History files compressed in an archive, extract all the files from it into a temporary directory. (Since you're reading this, you may have already done this.) Copy the files fmhst.dll fmhstap.exe to your WINDOWS directory (for example C:\WINDOWS). You need to copy both of them or FM History won't work. 2. Close File Manager if it's running. 3. Open file WINFILE.INI for editing (using Notepad or any other simple text editor). WINFILE.INI is located in the WINDOWS directory on your hard disk (or the directory you specified when installing Windows). Please note: The file you need is WINFILE.INI, not the WIN.INI file! Find the section [AddOns] in this file and enter the following line right after the string [AddOns]: FM History=C:\WINDOWS\FMHST.DLL (or specify the WINDOWS directory you copied FM History's files into, if other than WINDOWS). If you can't find a line that says [AddOns] in WINFILE.INI, you can add one at the end of the file. The resulting portion of the WINFILE.INI file should look like this (... indicates other lines in the file): ... [AddOns] FM History=C:\WINDOWS\FMHST.DLL ... Save the file and quit your text editor. 5. Run File Manager. If the installation has been completed successfully, you should see a FM History "splash screen" as File Manager appears, and a new menu item, 'Go', among the other items in the main menu bar of the File Manager. If you don't see the 'Go' entry in the main menu bar of File Manager, something went wrong with the installation. Please verify that you have done all the steps above and, in particular, you specified the correct path in the [AddOns] section of the WINFILE.INI file. Also, make sure that the files have not been corrupted when they were copied onto your hard disk. De-installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Close File Manager and remove the line 'FM History=...' from the WINFILE.INI file (using Notepad, for example). After that, when you restart File Manager, FM History will not be loaded. If you decide later to start using FM History again, enter the line 'FMHistory=...' specifying the complete DOS path to FMHST.DLL file, in the [AddOn] section of the WINFILE.INI file. The following steps should be completed only if you wish to remove FM History from your system permanently: 2. Delete all the files from the directory on your hard disk where you installed FM History; 3. Delete file FMHST.INI from the WINDOWS directory; ================================================================= 3. Configuring FM History ================================================================= You can configure the length of time you stay in a directory before FM History notes it, and whether the FM History "splash screen" appears each time you start File Manager. Go to the File Manager "Go" menu and select "Options" to change these settings. Hope you enjoy it! ------------ Stephen Yost Microsoft(R) and Windows(R) are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.